Effects of dehydration: Tips for healthier skin

I don’t know about all you lovelies but this time of year my skin begins to lose moisture and appear a little lack luster. Having dehydrated skin means that your skin is lacking water and keeping you skin properly hydrated can nurture and feed your cells which will give your skin that beautiful glow. Dehydrated skin can be dull looking and substantially noticeable. Signs to look for when dealing with dehydrated skin are more fine lines and deeper wrinkles than appear normally, uneven complexion, that tight feeling you get after cleansing your skin….that’s one of the fist signs of dehydrated skin. Many people’s skin tends to be on the dehydrated side during the winter months, so adding in water based products like a beautiful hydrosol will be very beneficial for your skin.

The Difference Between Dehydrated and Dry Skin

It is easy for people to confuse dehydrated skin with dry skin, but they are not the same. Dehydrated skin is actually a skin condition, whereas dry skin is addressed as skin type. Dry skin is skin that is lacking oil because of less sebum being produced. When you are lacking sebum, it means that your skin does not have the lipids it needs to retain moisture and act as a protective barrier. Dehydrated skin however, lacks water.

There are several reasons for dehydrated skin such as:

  • Weather/Environment

  • Diet and Caffeine

  • Lack of water intake

Treating dehydration of the skin is quite easy, provided you are willing to make some important lifestyle changes.

Photo Credit: Laura Amendola

Eating the Right Foods

Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, this can be water, herbal tea’s and even coconut water! The recommended amount of water per day that you should be drinking is 8-10 glasses, but this is just a general amount and I always believe in trying to drink at least 2 litters. You should also make sure you are intaking a lot of water-rich fruits and vegetables and decreasing your refined and processed food intake. Try to lessen your caffeine consumption too.

Lifestyle Changes

Stress can cause dehydrated skin. When you are stressed out, your skin is stressed out. When you have stressed skin, it becomes out of balance and exhausted, which drains it and causes it to become dehydrated.

Make sure you are getting enough exercise. With that being said, as per our previous point about water intake, it is important to keep your fluids up while working out. As you exercise, you sweat. You need to make sure you are always replenishing your body with water as you sweat your water out. Taking breaks every 20 minutes or so during work outs to drink water is essential.

Sleep is the number 1 beauty tool! As your body and mind go into a para sympathetic state of being this is where you whole body wants to be harmonious and fully rejuvenated! So sleep my lovelies!

Environment Changes

The environment, temperature, and humidity changes can cause dehydrated skin. Winter is usually the toughest on your skin due to the cold and lack of humidity in the air. Winter cold can cause your skin to become cracked, have tighter pores and reduced circulation. A possibility to help deal with the dehydration in the winter is to keep a humidifier in our homes. This ensures the air is properly moist. With the warmer seasons like spring and summer, the warmth allows for more humidity in the air, which helps counter skin dehydration.

Skin Rituals

Although it is so important to care for your skin internally, it is also important to care for it externally. By spending a at least 5 to 10 minutes a day looking after your skin in any way you see fit will be super beneficial for your overall skin health. I am here to guide you and steer you In the right direction for your skin needs.

Keeping up with facials on a regular basis is key to combating dehydrated skin. At Woodside Holistic, we provide a variety of facial services that can help you. Click here to book one now!


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