The Basics of Holistic Skin Care
While we often focus on the products we apply to our skin, holistic skincare acknowledges that skincare starts from the inside out. An outer glow is a result of caring for the whole self, which encompasses nourishing foods, beverages and herbs taken internally to support skin health. Stress levels, sleep, activity, being in nature, mental health also play a key role in the function of skin health. Today we’re going to share everything you need to know about following a basic holistic skincare routine to help you look and feel your best this year.
What is Holistic Skin Care?
Holistic skincare focuses on improving your skin from the inside out. The skin microbiome is one of the key focuses of basic holistic skincare, and it should be treated in the same way as you might the gut microbiome. This ecosystem of bacteria helps to cultivate healthy skin, but when it’s out of balance, you are more likely to experience irritation or acne. While your skincare routine is a huge part of this, stress, sleep and environmental factors may also adjust your skin microbiome. Holistic skincare acknowledges that there’s more to good skin than just using the best products on your face and body. Your skin is a reflection of every aspect of your life, and holistic skincare works to look after the skin microbiome from the inside out.
Diet and Skin Health
One of the top reasons for impaired barrier function has to do with our liver and gut health. When there’s an imbalance in the digestive system and the function of our liver this can lead to inflammation. These two systems work together to break down and eliminate much of what we take into our body, and if they aren’t doing their job efficiantly this can create a host of skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, eczema. In order to combat this, holistic skincare recommendations focus on a diet that’s rich in vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Meat-eaters can still enjoy organic meat or free-range chicken, as well as oily fish. When individuals switch over from a sugar and carbohydrate-rich diet to one following these rules, they often notice a huge difference in their skin within just a short time. From there, you can also focus on the ingredients you are putting on your skin. Just as you wouldn’t consume too much junk food, you also want to ensure you are putting natural and high vibrational ingredients and products onto your face and body.
How Stress Impacts the Skin
Have you ever been through a period of stress or trauma in your life, only to notice your skin suddenly breaks out? When we put our bodies through stress, or we experience psychological stress it’s much more likely to result in eczema, rosacea, acne, and many other skin conditions. Cortisol is the stress hormone our body produces, and this impacts the nervous, immune (lymphatic), and circulatory systems. In order to combat these issues, strive to find ways to calm your nervous system on a daily basis. One of the best recommendations for anyone looking into holistic skincare is to consume herbal teas. The right selection of herbs can help to relax your body and balance your skin. Examples of these would be nervines as they are herbs that specifically help support your nervous system. such as Nettle, Milky oats, chamomile, Scullcap, lemon balm and lavender.
By following these basic holistic skincare tips, you can start to take care of your skin from the inside out. We offer a wide range of natural products, all of which will work alongside your diet and lifestyle to make your skin look and feel its best. By tuning in to what you put on your skin, what kinds of foods you consume each day and how you manage your stress levels, you’ll find that this is the year you get to enjoy the glowing and healthy skin that you deserve!