Sunshine & Your Skin
I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since my last blog post, time has flown by since giving birth to my sweet Zadie Yarrow. We made it through the pandemic, through lockdowns over the winter months, through sleep regressions, teething...the works! Suffice to say, I sure am happy that summer has started early and we can spend most days outside under the warmth of the sun.
On that note, let’s talk about the sun and how we can make sure to receive all the benefits that it provides us while keeping safe from it’s impactful UV radiation. As much as it’s beneficial for us to get some sunshine on a daily basis (natural source of Vit D, lowers stress levels, helps with growth of plants, strengthens immune system, Sunlight also supports better sleep and sets people’s circadian rhythms by regulating the levels of serotonin and melatonin.
It can also be detrimental to our oh so precious skin! This is because of Ultraviolet radiation, otherwise known as UV radiation. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause sunburns, wrinkles, lower immunity against infections, premature aging, solar elastosis and cancer, there is a permanent need for protection from UV radiation and prevention from their side effects.
Here is a quick reminder of the difference between UV wavelengths A, B and C.
UVA - Can account for 95% of UV radiation that reaches the earth! It can penetrate into the second layer of skin (dermis) as well as through glass. Plays a major role in premature wrinkles, advanced aging of skin and contributes to long term sun damage.
UVB - Can burn unprotected skin in less than 15 minutes, the chief cause of skin reddening and sunburn, damages the skin’s top layer and DNA, strongly linked to skin cancer.
UVC - The shortest of all UV rays, never reaches the earth because the ozone absorbs it, not usually considered a risk for skin cancer, used in old style tanning beds.
I wholeheartedly believe that having a healthy relationship with the sun is so important today. Finding the right balance is key, as with all things in life, if we figure what works for us on a personal level I believe we can achieve the goals and or results we want for ourselves...whatever that may be :)
Now for the fun part! I love seeking out information on ingredients I use on myself and on my clients. I also love experimenting (on myself first of course). I’ve come up with a list of oils, herbs, foods and plants that are my go-to’s for extra sun protection, nourishment and internal/external healing.
Ingredients for sun protection + more!
Aloe Vera - scientifically proven to heal burns, be it thermal, solar or radiation. Mainly used for it’s soothing and cooling effect. It’s an incredible moisturizer for the skin and not only improves fibroblast cell structure but also accelerates the collagen production process!
Avocado oil - Rich in vitamin E, B-carotene, vitamin D, protein, lecithin and fatty acids. High in antioxidants which help absorb free radicals so we can protect ourselves from environmental damage.
Carrot Seed vegetable oil (not the essential oil) - Rich in antioxidants, contains antiseptic qualities and offers SPF of 38-40.
Curcumin (isolated from the rhizome of Turmeric) - Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumoral properties. Reduces UV-induced sunburn cell formation and free radical scavenger!
Green Tea - The complex polyphenolic compounds in tea provide the same protective effect for the skin as for internal organs. Researchers have found that the main active ingredient in green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), works well as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and sunscreen.
Sesame seed oil - Said to be one of the most effective natural sunscreens, filtering up to 30% of UV rays! The antioxidants in this oil are said to neutralize free radicals.
Red Raspberry Seed oil - It offers UVA and UVB sun protection. Rich in omega 3 + 6 fatty acids and antioxidants. In addition, it provides SPF 8 UVA and SPF 28-50.
These are just a few ingredients to look out for when purchasing your skin care products this summer. You can purchase an aloe vera plant to have in your house long term and that way you literally have a first aid plant on hand!
I suggest looking for sunscreens with Titanium dioxide and Zinc Oxide for extra protection as they disperse UV Rays and act as a blocker from the rays penetrating into your skin.
Avoid long hours out in the sun without protection and re apply every couple of hours. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and protective clothing if you are out for long hours! Do not forget to apply in places like your ears, chest, top of hands, top of feet as these are usually the places that get forgotten about. Have sunscreen on hand when driving as I can tell you from first hand experience, the tops of your hands will start to develop sun spots earlier over time! I suggest wearing sunscreen all year round if need be, your skin will thank you long term.
Sunlight is essential for human health and well-being. I love spending time outside and receiving the gift of what our sun has to offer for the earth and its inhabitants. Let’s find ways to create a healthy relationship with the sun and enjoy the short but sweet summer months that we get in southern Ontario!
- With love,
Woodside xx