acupuncture in guelph, ontario
Acupuncture and Tradition Chinese Medicine support and treat a myriad of symptoms and issues in the mind, body and spirit. Thin needles are used on specific points on the meridians of the body to support energy flow and balance your specific ailments, conditions and constitution.
Vicky Canham R.Ac (she/her)
Vicky was raised in Manchester UK and studied Social Policy at university. In her twenties she worked mostly within Youth Crime projects in Manchester. During this time Vicky was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and decided to try acupuncture to help support her journey to conceive her second child. This experience was very moving for Vicky and led her to go back to school and study Traditional Chinese Medicine with an emphasis on Acupuncture, graduating as a member of The British Acupuncture Council in 2011.
Now living in Guelph, Vicky runs a general Acupuncture practice and enjoys treating a wide variety of health concerns including: fertility support, women's health, stress + anxiety, digestive concerns, sleep and fatigue.
In 2022 Vicky has enhanced her Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture qualification with Virginia Doran and is excited to be offering Facial Acupuncture in 2023 - more details to come.
In her free time Vicky enjoys spending time with family and friends and in 2021 joined a Brazilian Samba Reggae group!
If you have further questions about our acupuncture treatments please contact Vicky directly